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How to use ssh - 10 useful commands.

Since you, as an owner of low-cost and stable Virtual Private Server with, enjoy the benefits of full root level server access and complete SSH access, you can take advantage of administering your powerful VPS through the bash terminal. What follows is a list of the ten most commonly used commands by our VPS support technicians that will undoubtedly aid you in your effort to personalize the new machine.

  1. man - stands for manual. Very useful command if you are just getting started with Linux. You can invoke 'man', followed by any other Linux command (cd, for example) and it will display detailed description and list of all available options.
  2. cd - cd is short for 'change directory'. Allows you to browse between different folders of your VPS.
  3. cp, mv, rm - great commands for basic file management. You can copy (cp), move (mv) or remove (rm) files/folders this way from your server.
  4. grep - grep permits you to print lines that match a particular pattern. Useful if you are looking for a phrase or or line in a large text file (logs, for example).
  5. ls - allows you to list the content of a directory. Using "ls -la" will also show you hidden files/directories (those starting with a dot) and additional attributes, such as permissions and ownership.
  6. chown, chmod - every file or directory has its own ownerhip rights - user and group. With "chown" you can modify those parameters and "chmod" gives you the ability to change permissions (read, write, execute) for the owner, group and the rest of the users, accessing that file/directory.
  7. nano, vi - "nano" and "vi" are probably the two most popular Linux text editors. You may find "nano" easier to use, while "vi" appears as the preferred editor among more experienced.
  8. top, ps - "top" provides you with a periodic update (every five seconds by defaut) of running Linux tasks, while "ps" takes a snapshot of all current processes and prints it on your screen.
  9. df -h, du -hs - shows you the current overall use of your disk in gygabytes (df -h)."du -hs" calculates the total size of a directory in a human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G).
  10. find, locate - both commands are used to locate files in your Virtual Private Server. "locate", however uses an indexed database for faster and more comprehensible file search so you will want to run "locate -u" periodically to update the database as new files are being placed on the server.

Should you have questions regarding particular Linux commands and their implementation, do not hesitate to log in to your resellerspanel billing manager and drop us a line with a technical support ticket.

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