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.BE Domain History & Purpose

Registration of domains under the .BE ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain name) started in 1989. The domain extension was introduced to serve for registrants from Belgium. In the beginning, some restrictions for the registrants were applied, but they were dropped with the liberalizations introduced in the end of 2000 which made possible registration of .BE domains by anyone - individuals, companies, local citizens and foreigners. At the same time the registration fee was reduced which resulted in tripling the number of registered domains only in a matter of a few months. The number of registered .BE domains still continues to grow steadily each month and it is expected to surpass the one million mark soon, turning .BE into one of the top ccTLDs by number of registrations. One feature contributing to the popularity of the ccTLD is that many words in different languages end with suffix "-be", so .BE domain names can be used to form words from the entire domain.

.BE Features

Registration Period
1 year
IDN Support
DNSSEC Support
Domain Manager
Domain Parking
Custom DNS Records
Whois Privacy Support

.BE Price

Setup Fee
Registration Price
See multi-year pricing
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years
6 years
7 years
8 years
9 years
10 years
Transfer Price

.BE Domain Registration & Reselling Services

Domains from the ccTLD .BE can be registered and resold with all programs offered by Resellers Panel - for example Domain Reselling; Free Resellers Program, cPanel-Reseller Program; VPS (Virtual Private Server); Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers. It is possible to register .BE domains for up to one year. Registration services for the .BE ccTLD are provided by Resellers Panel as a registrar certified by ICANN.

The registration procedure is very simplified - you just have to type the domain that you want to be registered and submit the form to see if it is available for registration. If the domain is free for registration, you can go on with the registration procedure and become an owner of the domain name. You can search for another .BE domain in case the domain has already been taken. Note that transfers of .BE domains to Resellers Panel are not possible.

For information about what are the management options for .BE domains, please check the Domain Management page.

Services available for your .BE domain name



Free with every domain.
Get an SSL certificate for your site for maximum security and trust boost.



Free with every domain.
Get full protection from cache poisoning, pharming, and man-in-the-middle attacks.


Free with every domain.
Start using your memorable and personalized email address.

Web Hosting

Web Hosting

Web hosting that makes building your website a breeze with one-click software installation.

.BE Domain Name

Register for only $10.50 /year