.CO.IL Domain History & Purpose
.CO.IL is second level domain for Commercial Entities. The domain extension was created back in 1989 and just as all .CO ccSLDs it was intended to be used by commercial organizations and entities.
.CO.IL Features

.CO.IL Price
.CO.IL Domain Registration & Reselling Services
Resellers Panel, an ICANN accredited Registrar provides registration services for .CO.IL domain names which can be used with the programs Domain Reselling; Free Resellers Program, cPanel-Reseller Program; VPS (Virtual Private Server); Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers.
The registration procedure is completely effortless - you just type the domain name that you want registered, click GO and if it is available, just go on with the registration. If the domain shows up as registered and is not available, you can just search for another one (note that transfers of .CO.IL domains to Resellers Panel are not possible).
The .CO.IL ccTLD has no special registration requirements and it can be registered for maximum nine years. For information on the management of domain names, you can search the Domain Management page.