Register .IT Domain Names
Domain extension .IT was introduced in 1987 with the intention to serve as a country code TLD (Top Level Domain name) for Italy.
.IT registration requirements
The .IT ccTLD is open for registration to all entities which have citizenship, residence or commercial headquarters in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), the State of the Vatican, the Republic of San Marino and the Swiss Confederation. Thanks to the fact that words in many languages end with "-it" and that "it" is a word in its own right in English, .IT is great for domain hacks such as, and which makes site names shorter, catchier and easier to remember. This is probably one of the reasons for the constant increase of the number of registered .IT domains that has already gone beyond the 3 million mark.
.IT Features

.IT Price
.IT Domain Registration & Reselling Services
Domain names with extension .IT can be registered (for up to one year) and used with wide variety of programs: Domain Reselling; Free Resellers Program, cPanel-Reseller Program; VPS (Virtual Private Server); Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers.
In order to register .IT domain name just fill in the form the domain name that you want to be registered and submit the form. If the domain is available for registration, you will be able to continue the procedure and become an owner of the domain name. If the domain is already registered, just search for another one that can be useful for you. Notice that you will not be able to transfer .IT domain to Resellers Panel if you already own such.
Also, we would like to make you aware of the fact that Resellers Panel is an ICANN accredited Registrar. This means that at the same time you will be able to get both domain names at low prices and high class support services.
If you need information about the management options of .IT domains, you can check Domain Management page.