.NL Domain History & Purpose
The .NL TLD is the offcial ccTLD for the country of Netherlands. The registration of .NL domain names was launched in 1986. It was one of the first ccTLD to be registered, when the authority for the .NL domain was handed over to Piet Beertema of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in 1986.
.NL Features

.NL Price
.NL Domain Registration & Reselling Services
Domain names with extension .NL can be used with all services marketed by Resellers Panel: Domain Reselling; Free Resellers Program, cPanel-Reseller Program; VPS (Virtual Private Server); Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers.
Unlike many country code level top level domains, the maximum registration period for .nl domains is quiet short - one year. Note that the options registrar lock and id protection are not available for .NL domain.
The ccTLD .nl is one of the "open TLDs". This means that you will be able to register .nl domain name without the need to fulfill special requirements. The registration process is very short - you just search the domain name that you wish to register and if it shows up as available, just continue with the registration in order to become an owner of the domain name. Transfers and renewal of .NL domain names to Resellers Panel are possible.
You can see the options for management of .NL domains on our Domain Management page.