.ORG.CN Domain History & Purpose
The ccSLD (country code Second Level Domain) targeted to non-profit organizations based and operating in People's Republic of China is .ORG.CN. It was created in 1990. The domain extension is used by Chinese non-profit organizations that want to become publicly known via the Internet. The ccSLD .ORG.CN is also convenient to international organizations that want to extend their geographical scope of operation in China with widely accepted and recognizable domain name. Another application of .ORG.CN domains is the usage of such domain as a substitute for other .CN second level domains in case the preferred domain has already been registered. The latter is probably the major reason for the increased number of registrations of .ORG.CN domains in the last few years.
.ORG.CN Features

.ORG.CN Price
.ORG.CN Domain Registration & Reselling Services
You can purchase .ORG.CN domains from Resellers Panel (a Registrar accredited by ICANN) for up to five years and use it with the following programs: Domain Reselling; Free Resellers Program, cPanel-Reseller Program; VPS (Virtual Private Server); Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers. Purchasing domain names directly from a registrar has certain pluses - the management and the support will not pass through middle level resellers of domain names (hence, your domain will be managed accurately). The absence of middle level resellers also means that you will get domain names at low prices. Please note that everyone can be an owner of a .ORG.CN domain name - there are no registration restrictions.
If your .ORG.CN domain name is registered with another registrar, you will be able to transfer it to Resellers Panel if you wish. Both the registration and the transfer procedures are easy. When searching for an .ORG.CN domain name, you can see the transfer option although you are not the owner of the domain. This means that the domain has already been taken, so you can search and choose to register another one.
You can refer to the Domain Management page for details about the management of .ORG.CN domain names.