.ORG.NZ Domain History & Purpose
The history of .ORG.NZ ccSLD (country code Second Level Domain) is similar to the history of .CO.NZ and .NET.NZ. It was also introduced in 1987. What makes it different than the other ccSLDs for New Zealand is the fact that the domain extension was intended to be used by not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations. In year 2002 the administrator company of the ccSLD, NZ Registry Services created registry software and protocol ensuring higher security of .ORG.NZ domains as well as the rest of the ccSLDs from the .NZ family.
Although the.ORG.NZ ccSLD is targeted to non-commercial organizations, registration of domains is not restricted only to such organizations and everyone can register a domain. It can be assumed that .ORG.NZ domains are a good alternative of desirable .CO.NZ or .NET.NZ domains that have already been registered.
.ORG.NZ Features

.ORG.NZ Price
.ORG.NZ Domain Registration & Reselling Services
.ORG.NZ domain names can be used with the following programs: Domain Reselling; Free Resellers Program, cPanel-Reseller Program; VPS (Virtual Private Server); Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers.
Resellers Panel is an ICANN accredited Registrar which guarantees that your domain name will be well managed. You will be able to purchase domains at reasonable prices due to the lack of intermediate resellers.
The process of registration of a domain name takes just a few minutes. Registrants of .ORG.NZ domains do not have to meet special requirements - domains are available to everyone who wants to own a domain from the .ORG.NZ ccSLD. If you already own an .ORG.NZ domain, but you want to manage it from your account with Resellers Panel, then you can request a transfer for your domain.
You can check the various domain name management options of the .ORG.NZ ccSLD at our Domain Management page.