.PL Domain History & Purpose
.PL, the ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain name) for Poland was introduced 1990.
.PL Features

.PL Price
.PL Domain Registration & Reselling Services
Resellers Panel offers many plans: Domain Reselling; Free Resellers Program, cPanel-Reseller Program; VPS (Virtual Private Server); Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers. Domain names with extension .PL can be used with all of them.
As a client of Resellers Panel, you will have the opportunity to register a .PL domain name for up to three years (which is in your interest in case you run a business website - your potential customers will have more trust when they see that the domain of the company is registered for long period). Resellers Panel is as an ICANN accredited Registrar which guarantees the highest quality of management of your domain names registered with us.
The procedure for registration of domain names is very simple - just fill in the form the domain that you want to be registered, submit and the available options for registration will appear. You are able to become an owner of that domain name if it is available. If the domain turns out to be registered already, you will be asked to transfer it which leads to two situations - you are not the owner of the domain because it was registered by someone else or you want Resellers Panel to become a registrar of your domain.
Details about the management options for .PL domains are available at the Domain Management page.